- telling strangers my AS results because they asked at work
- learning words like 'die gerichtsverhandlung' and 'der richter' and 'der wachmannschaft' for german
- reading a lot of books like nothing out of the ordinary really
- the most comfortably jumper in the world
- back to college in two weeks tomorrow with less than a third of my work done
- wondering how to sound like an awesome person without sounding arrogant
- since i became vegetarian i find it difficult to even kill bugs anymore and sometimes i look at chicken and bacon sandwiches and want to cave in but then i remember that it is flesh and i imagine eating my own flesh, tearing it off and popping bits into my mouth like grapes and it's enough to stop me
- listening to this song
#56 end of summer holidays nearly post
#55 i don't know this blog is like travelling through time a bit probably boring
revising for my first set of a level exams wow i got 2 As i did a lot of work and i feel guilty now because i am not doing a lot of work
this was very very exciting for me 11 days into a relationship with someone i actually LIKE(D) I mean WOW i still do obviously
when i was the only intoxicated person at my own party my hosting skills fell to having people do my mum's exercise dvds
#54 look at me being creative- and a dedication to the typewriter
1. just my wardrobe door really looking cute and stuff
2. the card i made for my best friend's 18th birthday
3. ""
4. my journals since last november apart from the one i wrote in germany
5. a new cactus plant i should really get round to replanting in a bigger pot soon
6. a beautiful typewriter i bought for £1.50 but apparently the ribbons are obsolete so i may never be able to use this specimen of beauty
7. ""
#53 summer is ending so we won't be able to do these things soon anyway
1. weirdo shoes and socks!
2. no interesting caption
3. ""
4. this plastic container matt found which he was going on about so we opened it and left a note then put an ikea pencil inside as a gift. we're going to add more to it when we go back there because you can get loads of weird small ornaments in charity shops, it's part of a project online called geocaching
5. a bunker
6. ""
7. weirdo in the grass trying to look serene but actually just looking dead
#52 but i am too painfully conscious of the water bill
- fringes grow at an alarmingly and annoyingly fast rate
- i get that feeling of dread in my stomach even stronger than normal yet it will be over so soon and i will never have to go back to work in a place i hate that much again- working in retail is like going to secondary school especially when you are hardly paid to do it really
- this blog is weird and kind of annoying, but useful looking back through all the pages (recently i have been looking at the pictures rather than the words)
- i want to paint with watercolours
- almost, it is scary that i have done well because it means that i am going to be going somewhere soon and it is what i have always wanted but i am not sure if it will be what i want when i am there because it never really is
- ? practical or abstract? or a weird abyss inbetween which i seem to reach quite easily
#50 very weird things happening over a year and a half (arrogant post)
i'm really not a narcissist- i just feel very strange right now.
january 2011april 2011
june 2011 (that wall no longer exists and that was the last time i ever wore school uniform)
october 2011
november 2011 i wore this same combination to college dressed as a paedophile and matt didn't recognise me at all
december 2011 maybe
i prefer my hair this way even though it is longer now and i waited so long for it to be long and i miss this jumper a lot
weird things
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